Friday, February 25, 2011

AKA, J ICT PYP Strands

ICT at the school is two-dimensional . We offer IT and S.I.L.

While practical skills-based lessons are conducted through all the 6 year-groups, teachers are quite flexible - providing leeway for authentic integration in all subject areas.

There are five main curriculum areas the we focus on:


  1. Dear Parent...

    Do feel free to post your views and ideas

    Mr. Perez,
    The Aga Khan Academy, Junior Nairobi

  2. This is Bindu (Aliya's mum). Thank you for inviting us for this workshop. I'm learning to use the computer from her.

  3. Priya Shanay's mum Says It has been great working on the things that you all work on here in your ICT Lab. I was quite impressed with what you learn here in ICT. ICT advances are the way forward in learning so keep it up.

  4. Ms. Zahra (Samiya's Mom)

    My daughter mentions that she performs internet searches by using Google at her ICT class. She also stated that she will soon have an email account and she will be sending mom and dad emails.

  5. Shabana (Raiyans Mum)
    I have enjoyed learning how you handle ICT in the PYP ...And how you educate our children....
    Teaching them to handle the internet and communicate within the school site is a great and safe way to introduce the children to the 'real' world of computers.

  6. Mandeep (Arnavs dad) says i think the kids really enjoy the ict time and would enjoy more time and accessibility to the equipment.

  7. Mr.Perez, my name is Jane Otieno - David Otieno's mum, David of Grade 4A.

    I am happy that David is learning a lot in ICT, I have found that he is grown quite a bit since Grade 1. He has been able to teach me too a lot about the use of ICT. I am encouraged by the use of this new introduction of the blog.

    Kind regards!

  8. Mr. Marekia (Raimi's dad) says the direction being taken by the school is very encouraging. Raimi has gained a lot of confidence & his enthusiasm is apparent.

  9. Dear Mr Perez

    we are impressed with the ict teaching in akja.
    Saiam's Dad Mr Bipin

    from zabin - Maleeha's mum.
    Maleeha's interest in computers at home is increasing on a daily basis.

  10. Mwenda's mum...., imaginative, empowering and a perfect tool of expression...have fun...keep it positive...

  11. Sabira Thakker (Serish and Alissa Thakker of 6K and 4A) says:

    "This is a gr8 idea! Our kids need to be tech-savvy but more importantly use the information rationally and be able to decipher between the truth and creative thinking. My kids have certainly become more independent as far as ICT goes.... I would like them to improve in their ability to use and incorporate multi-media into their presentations and work to make their communication more effective and interesting."

  12. Hi Mr. Perez,

    Riaan enjoys his computer lessons and of late he likes mentioning the internet for games. I got a little scared of letting him lest he gets hooked up to games then later facebook. Now am encouraged to know you teach about ethics in ICT. Keep up the great job.

  13. This is Salimah (Kais & Kalyn's mum). I am very glad that they are learning to use the internet wisely and also to use the cloud. Thank you for having us.

  14. This is a great workshop, i m really enjoying. Asante sana:). Wahaab really enjoys his ICT session and he loves his ICT teacher Mr. Perez. He knows too much abt ICT now like how to browse on internet, how to use email account, how to take that information and make a powerpoint, it really helps him to do his assignments.
    Asmita Jawaid (wahaab jawaid, 4k)

  15. Helen, Jerome & Shaun's mum says: Evidently , the children display good skills in working with the computer. You are doing a commendable job. I would like to see them learn typing skills so that they can type without looking on the key baord to give them speed.Thank you for the very interesting and refreshing session. Good stuff! Congratulations!

  16. Mr Perez says
    My name is Mr Kithinji. Am Jerome & Shaun's Dad.
    This is great stuff.I have seen the boys display alot of skill, proactivness & care of assets. They always want to go a step further in trying to understand the ICT without assistance.I wish Jerome & Shaun the very best in ICT. ICT is the next generation.

  17. Heena Hooker ( Suhail,s mum 3A)

    Thanks for organizing this workshop. Much appreciated. We dont really see his work at home. Could you give them some assignments at home may be once a week?

  18. Dinesh Patel Parent of rahil Patel

    In ICT they learn how to use the computer, how to communicate, and how to use the internet safely. More importantly how to download games and play games.

    The children should be taught that internet is a powerfool tool and if not used correctly it can also be dangerous. The should learn the pros and cons of computer and internet usage.

  19. Naush says he is Gibran and Raiaan's father.

    My children both love ICT as a subject and like the fact that they can access the computer to research other subjects.

    Raiaan likes to play games whereas Gibran likes to use new applications. He is already using the outlook application from home to chat with his friends after school.

    Raiaan needs to be encouraged to use new appications.

    Thanks for the session.





  21. Joan Change - Raimi Marekia's Mum
    It has been very helpfull. he understands and respects the computer it is just not a place to play games anymore. he also takes care of it - no food or drink. big up. he will be able to do resaerch, and communicate to family and friends. and learn a lot more.

  22. Mrs Pallvi Gandhi - Aman's mum

    I would like to thank you for te wonderful presentation on ICT today. From the feedback I get from Aman, he has learnt a lot from the class and also told me about I do see a marked positive change in him when he works on the computer. Atually he teaches me these days!! As already initiated by yourself, websites creations shoud be given emphasis since it is greatly required in today's times.

    But on the whole, a job done well by Mr. Perez on the kids.

  23. Sabira says, "Can the kids be taught how to download games and music and how to develop interactive sites please?"
